In our blog this January, we tried to help clarify what is truly meant when we use the word wellness. One great path towards understanding the meaning of the term can begin with understanding what it is not. It can help cut down preconceived notions and get to the root of the word.
So, what can we say wellness isn't? Simply being healthy. Sure, our health is a component of our wellness, but too often we can sometimes confuse the two terms as being one in the same. We often think of ourselves as either being sick (that is, unhealthy) or as being well (in which we say we are healthy).
Note here that “being well” is different than “wellness.” This is because health (or “being well”) is a passive state. We either are or we are not. Wellness, however, is an active and dynamic state. How we feel holistically today (mind, body, and spirit) is simply our level of wellness on a continuum where we can range from extreme illness to optimal wellness. We may change the very next day. In fact, we can change the very next hour if we put forth the effort!
Yes, this can be something physical for our bodies, such as taking a long walk or engaging in an exercise program. It can also be engaging our mind and being filled with new knowledge or calmness from reading. It can even be taking some time out to ground ourselves and focus on our breathing.
Thus, wellness is an active state, and we can change it simply by changing what we are doing. This week, we challenge you to create a new habit. Check out our blog for some ideas on how best to create a habit that you can stick to!